Fungicide Application
Throughout the summer, many lawns succumb to various types of lawn diseases. Some are serious and some are not. But all require some level of treatment. Some diseases only need some additional fertilizer to help the lawn grow out of the condition, while others may need an application of fungicide to get the disease under control.
Promoting healthy growth and avoiding conditions that cause stress to your turfgrass is the best way to prevent a severe disease outbreak. Stressed lawns are an open invitation for a lawn disease to gain a foothold. Optimal maintenance practices are the best way of avoiding stressed turfgrass.
Even if a pathogen is present in the soil, infection will not occur unless the environmental conditions are conducive to disease development. Once turf diseases have become active, they can cause heavy damage if not treated properly. Here is a list of common diseases to Michigan lawns:
Lawn diseases should properly identified before trying to treat lawn diseases. So where do you start? Have you been watering correctly? Lack of water will cause lots of yellowing and spots. Plus other problems will become worse if a lawn is not watered correctly. Over-watering can also yellow a lawn and can kill trees and shrubs! What about mowing? If a lawn is mowed too short or not often enough, brown spots can and do appear. Is it a problem from pets? Both dogs and cats can cause spots…even if you don’t own one of your own.