P.O. Box 692
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Phone: 231-526-6287
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Maintained lawnProvide your lawn with regular meals professionally.

The single most important thing you can do for a lawn is to provide the turf plants with proper nutrition. In fact, fertilizing is one of the best ways to impact a lawn. Many homeowners feed their lawns once or twice a year and wonder why the lawn doesn’t look all that good. It doesn’t have the resources to stand up to normal, everyday stress. Let Dan’s Green Side Up provide your lawn with regular meals professionally, to help it develop fully and the most healthy. The key to such beauty? Good nutrition on a regular schedule, tailored to your lawn.

Spring means fertilizer application time for many homeowners and turf management firms. If you are a “do it yourself” homeowner, use the following information to save money and protect the environment:

  • NitrogenWait for turf to grow (green-up)
  • Test soil to determine nutrient needs
  • Measure lawn area
  • Choose fertilizer that lists setting for your fertilizer spreader
  • Mow high (minimum of 3 inches)
  • Remove lawn mower bagging unit to let clippings go back onto lawn
  • Sweep fertilizer that lands on sidewalk or driveway back into the yard
  • Have a no-application buffer zone between your lawn and the surface of water